26 October, 2010

The Body

Morning - Day 1.
The Defence of Wilson's Wadi.

A section with support from a GPMG and a medic race to recover Lt. Wilson's body

Race to recover Lt. Wilson's body begins

Taliban group crosses the wadi

Taliban group crosses ford

Huge group of Taliban appears next to the tomb. This is where the British will be heading back to in order to evacuate the casualties

Huge group of Taliban appears next to tomb

They take cover alongside a wall while another group skirt the poppy field to their left.

They take cover alongside wall

Medic finds Wilson and Cpl. Harris dead (a 1 and a 2 on the first aid rolls)

Medic finds Wilson and Cpl. Harris dead

Lone Taliban fighter left after mortar shell lands on position. This group has been unable to push on after their initial surge of activity

Lone Taliban fighter left after mortar shell lands on position

Taliban pushed back into tomb and then falls back

Taliban pushed back into tomb

The bodies of Wilson and Harris have been recovered and despite this great loss to the platoon, the British are off to a winning start.


The British took no additional losses and won 6-0 and the insurgency for the rest of the day will be reduced due to the Taliban's failure to have any trophy of their early triumph


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