Ambushed by a large force of Taliban and cut off from retreat, an SAS Troop, call-sign 'Dragon' makes for the crumbling remains of an old farmstead, which would provide refuge for the beleagured team. An American CH-57 Chinook, callsign: 'Grim' has been scrambled but will take some time to arrive at the nearest extraction zone.
The British move into the farm compound, it looks suitable as a temporary hold-out.

Will someone get rid of these goats (Sergeant Evans has had bad experiences with goats ruining hidden positions in Iraq)

A Taliban probe from the northeast is turned back by command team

A fire team sets up on roof top of barn in time to support a second attack on the command team's position

Taliban move to edge of treeline to fire on that team

But they come off second best in that exchange

A Taliban team moves through field from the west, using the cover to screen it from any interference

Meanwhile another team closes in from the northern treeline

And combining with them is a team from the western sector to put immense pressure on the GPMG team

They take fearful losses, but the GPMG team is down to just the gunner himself

The British fire team behind the barricade reacts quickly to give their mates respite, at least temporarily

But the GPMG team goes silent after another fusilade

Reinforcements arrive from west to bring casualties in the copse of trees back into the fray

The MI6 officer goes down but the return fire wipes out that Taliban squad - this'd better not be serious or the detailed intelligence gained from the mission will be lost...

Another group of Taliban take a risk to move across open ground in support of the wiped-out group

One survives and is forced back into the trees to see the British command team leg it into the compound

The command team gets inside the compound safely and attempts to get 'Grim' on the radio...

Can the troop hold on until their exfiltration?
See the full scenario here
I'll post the remainder of the game tomorrow [now posted: Get to the Chopper!]
Spoon: Know what this reminds me of? Rourke's Drift. 100 men of Harlech, making a desperate stand against 10,000 Zulu warriors. Outnumbered, surrounded, staring death in the face and not flinching for a moment. Balls of British steel.
ReplyDeleteJoe: You're bloody loving this, aren't you?