Definitely a game for more than two, but the potential carnage is plain to see. After wiping the floor with me in the first game, and the initial stages of the second, I pulled off a coup-de-grace with this shot.

-You reckon I can see you from here?
-You could, except for the wall, Gavin calmly asserts
-Wall, what wall? (I triumphantly display the card)
Jimmy Changa is not happy!

Hanzo chuckles to himself

Also, I noticed a fantastic piece of terrain (done up by Dave Churchill)
Stage 1 - disturbed ground

Stage 2 - Maw and tentacles erupt

Stage 3 - Monster emerges

All three stages side by side

Also spotted in the BattleTech case was this Centurion, carrying the head of a Victor (spinal actuators still dangling)

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