Off on holidays to Connemara (hoping to catch some of that cruel back-to-school weather) for the next two weeks.
Our first real family holiday so here's to Isabel really enjoying her time on the beach. With that there's going to be previous little activity here for a while. Indeed there'll be no gaming to be had either, but I am bringing down a few figures to paint up in the evenings.
They're 12 or so 20mm figures from Britannia's Vietnam range. A little project for my first group build over on the Guild. It's the first time I've painted 20mm, and the first time in years I've painted anything that wasn't 6mm (or a spaceship). So wish me luck!
I shall also be doing some work on my scenario for 4th Kawanakajima soon as part of my continuing Sengoku Jidai obsession.
The poll on projects just closed early today, some interesting results (should appear to the left of this post on the blog page), but nothing like the clear-cut outcome it seemed like a week ago. Two people out there agree whole-heartedly with my project list from this post
Thanks for all your votes.
The projects which were higher up on my list tended to get the most votes anyway! With Gladiators being the notable exception.
I'll have to do the North African Desert in WWII (4 votes) immediately after my Medieval Skirmish (4 votes) and Napoleonics (4 votes).
Both the British Civil Wars and Present-Day Afghanistan got some support (2 votes each) and I'll have to obey the wishes of the masses and promote these to longer-term projects alongside or even ahead of Gladiators (1 vote). I was surprised the Afghan option wasn't taken by the Ambush Alley readers out there...
Some teaser photos from the top of the poll
Ritter Leopold von Neuhaus, participant in the First War of Ruritanian Succesion
Austrian Column on the March in 1809
have a good holiday Donogh!!