As part of the discussion of my new 28mm Pulp Dinosaur-Hunting project I was wondering who might be able to save the hapless civilians and adventurers from the dreaded monsters.
Some standard pulp saviours suggested themselves - but I'm leaving this completely up to you guys! There's a poll on the blog (top right-hand corner) where you can cast your vote.
The Royal Navy
by Pulp Figures
I realise that these figures are actually Americans but the line is very nice and includes unarmed deck hands too...
The United States Marine Corps
by Pulp Figures
The Germans
by Pulp Figures
Native Warriors
by Dixon Miniatures
Now I'm not 100% that these would be the native warriors concerned - I might go for something in the Ngoni/Zulu line, or maybe switch to Central/South America and go for something along lost Mayan or Amazon tribe lines.
by Pulp Figures
Now I admit it, I was looking for a fifth option here and rather than go for French Foreign Legion or something I though I'd offer something a bit odd - while The Mob doesn't have exclusive rights on trench-coats, tommy-guns or cigars - the prospect of seeing Joey 'Two-Fingers' Salvato turn his Chicago typewriter on Raptors is immensely appealing to many.
You will note that the vote (open to Trinity Gamers for a week now) currently shows that their appetite for such cheesy incongruity cannot be restrained!
This is the ongoing record of my various wargaming exploits. Please leave a comment if you see something you like
27 January, 2011
25 January, 2011
Going Old School
You may have gathered that I'm not an Old School wargamer as such. Though my initial forays into the hobby were buttressed by readings of Charge! by Peter Young and Practical Wargaming by Charles Wesencraft.
While I was famliar with Charles Grant's Battle I never realised it was a serialised publication in Meccano Magazine (which to be fair, I was never aware of either!).
Apparently there were chapters published there which did not appear in the book. Head over to the Wargaming Info site for details. If you just want to cut to the chase and download the full scanned pdf (with a big dose of admiration for the efforts of Mal Spence in collating all the articles), here you go.
Returning you to your non-Vintage fare now...
24 January, 2011
Platoon Forward!
I was quite pleased to see this new system by Joe Legan announced last week.
See an in-depth discussion over on the Too Fat Lardies blog. They're available in pdf format for £7.00 here
Platoon Forward! aims to provide flavour and context for tactical games. Rather than being a type of map-driven campaign system, it does three things (and on first scan, appears to do them quite well):
1. Characterisation of major personalities in the unit
2. Scenario generation - including enemy strength
3. Random events - both during and after battles
With further kudos for mentioning En Garde! as an influencing system!
Interestingly the author is a fan of Piquet and an inveterate solo gamer. He's been testing the rules for over four years in a variety of 20th century conflicts. These combinations are a powerful incentive for me to devour these rules in more detail. I imagine they will fit very easily into a contemporary assymetric context as well.
I'm quite a fan of well-constructed campaign systems - in my opinion there aren't enough of them. Campaigns and sieges are the two ugly step-sisters of wargaming (and to a lesser extent military history) with far more attention paid to 'Cinderella' - tactical battles.
On that front I passed along the second draft of my siege rules: provisionally entitled "With Cold Iron" - for use with Command & Colours: Napoleonics - to Mr. Kinch last week, and hopefully we'll get to playtest the hell out of them next month...
See an in-depth discussion over on the Too Fat Lardies blog. They're available in pdf format for £7.00 here
Platoon Forward! aims to provide flavour and context for tactical games. Rather than being a type of map-driven campaign system, it does three things (and on first scan, appears to do them quite well):
1. Characterisation of major personalities in the unit
2. Scenario generation - including enemy strength
3. Random events - both during and after battles
With further kudos for mentioning En Garde! as an influencing system!
Interestingly the author is a fan of Piquet and an inveterate solo gamer. He's been testing the rules for over four years in a variety of 20th century conflicts. These combinations are a powerful incentive for me to devour these rules in more detail. I imagine they will fit very easily into a contemporary assymetric context as well.
I'm quite a fan of well-constructed campaign systems - in my opinion there aren't enough of them. Campaigns and sieges are the two ugly step-sisters of wargaming (and to a lesser extent military history) with far more attention paid to 'Cinderella' - tactical battles.
On that front I passed along the second draft of my siege rules: provisionally entitled "With Cold Iron" - for use with Command & Colours: Napoleonics - to Mr. Kinch last week, and hopefully we'll get to playtest the hell out of them next month...
Type: Review
23 January, 2011
The American Mission
Deep in the highlands of West Africa a new American Mission is under threat...
Porters move through jungle, led by a trusty native guide

Nkunda hears rustling in the undergrowth and investigates

Two Achillobators stalk past a small ridge

Meanwhile, at the Johnston farmstead

Three Raptors rush in towards the farmhouse

Mr. Chandler eyes up his dinner

Two Raptors move through the high grass

The explorers spring into action

Captain Lewis and his men take stock of the sitution

A lookout on the water tower takes careful aim on Raptors

On the Trinity Gamers forum recently the touted creation* of a giant 3D Space Crusade/Hulk game following a quasi-drunken challenge prompted me to promise dinosaur hunting in 28mm (the gaming equivalent of eating my hat, since I've already done it in 10mm!). And so my fate was sealed, not to mention my game for Gaelcon in October...
*More correctly a resurrection, given it was first created in 2002 after a quasi-drunken challenge.
Porters move through jungle, led by a trusty native guide
Nkunda hears rustling in the undergrowth and investigates
Two Achillobators stalk past a small ridge
Meanwhile, at the Johnston farmstead
Three Raptors rush in towards the farmhouse
Mr. Chandler eyes up his dinner
Two Raptors move through the high grass
The explorers spring into action
Captain Lewis and his men take stock of the sitution
A lookout on the water tower takes careful aim on Raptors
On the Trinity Gamers forum recently the touted creation* of a giant 3D Space Crusade/Hulk game following a quasi-drunken challenge prompted me to promise dinosaur hunting in 28mm (the gaming equivalent of eating my hat, since I've already done it in 10mm!). And so my fate was sealed, not to mention my game for Gaelcon in October...
*More correctly a resurrection, given it was first created in 2002 after a quasi-drunken challenge.
19 January, 2011
The Zeppelin Menace!
The Zeppelin Menace!
Zeppelins manufactured by Kinchstein GmbH.
The German Zeppelin is a treacherous weapon of terror. These stealthy behemoths prowl the night sky to bomb London in (vain!) hope to bring England to the peace table.With altitude and darkness on their side, the cowardly Hun has been able to escape with impunity. However salvation is at hand from our brave Royal Flying Corps.
Redoubtable Lieutenant William Leefe Robinson has shown the way by shooting down the Zeppelin on the night of 2nd September, 1916.
(We are assured by sources at the Palace that His Majesty the King will be awarding Lt. Robinson with the Victoria Cross in honour of the daring sortie).
With the new Brock and Pomeroy incendiary ammunition the Zeppelins are now vulnerable to a fiery (and all too-deserved) death.
No. 39 Squadron of the formidable Royal Flying Corps stands ready to defend these shores from more dastardly Zeppelin raids.
Leprecon will be held from the 4th to 6th of March in Trinity College Dublin.
15 January, 2011
Forlorn Hope
08 January, 2011
New Scenery for a New Project
With my order from Redoubt arriving yesterday, I'm getting ready for my Thirty Years War project for 2011.
An encampment for a raiding party is necessary

With a close-up of the campfire and some open tents

Another piece from long-term storage. I picked this up almost ten years ago from a wargamer dumping most of his collection. Like any gaming magpie I was immediately interested!
Gate House - useful for coup de mains or some internal skullduggery

Close-up of the Tower

Of course both of these lots can be used for other periods, but that's not a bad thing!
An encampment for a raiding party is necessary
With a close-up of the campfire and some open tents
Another piece from long-term storage. I picked this up almost ten years ago from a wargamer dumping most of his collection. Like any gaming magpie I was immediately interested!
Gate House - useful for coup de mains or some internal skullduggery
Close-up of the Tower
Of course both of these lots can be used for other periods, but that's not a bad thing!
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