The Defence of Wilson's Wadi
A news team shows up with a small escort looking for an interview and some vital background shots. A nearby British section needs to get them the hell out of the area before they're killed or kidnapped.
Peaceful village outskirts - no Taliban are present (though the insurgency level is '11') and the Afghan civilians are scattered throughout the village
WRI News team and escorting PMC park in the village
Goats overlooking ford, with parked Jingle Truck in the background
First interview of the day - it takes a few attempts to get anything usable from the woman
A veritable horde of Taliban arrive - but nothing much happens for a while as they discuss their plans
Small group of Taliban are looking to outflank British position
Frontal long-range assault doesn't go well - the group are forced back into the poppy field
But WRI cameraman is well set up to catch it
Bikes arrive to pursue retreating PMC - who have unwisely decided to become involved in a firefight with the Taliban. The news team leap into the contractors' SUV while they are still on the rooftop and drive away
The news team manage a A1 bootleg to get the truck out of there, as PMC get out on foot
The British do take a serious casualty as they attempt to suppress the nearby Taliban - unluckily for them this action is caught by the cameraman (on the back of the SUV)
The British nick this one despite the Taliban's luck in having their sole VP doubled by the cameraman's lucky roll. The outright winners though are WRI who got two good interviews and caught two significant firefights on camera
A bit of a light scenario in the morning before we move into the climactic battle
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