A major Taliban offensive in Helmand has been thwarted by British forces and the resulting counter-offensive has the group running for the hills.
The local leader is unwilling to loss his most valuable supplies and has set up a rear-guard operation in advance of the main bridge across the Sittang to give him time to evacuate his headquarters.
The Taliban supply dump is a hive of activity
The first echelon of the British raiders advance
The advance to Ishaghar is interrupted by the outlying Taliban groups
The Warrior targets the group inside Ishaghar at point blank
Civilians on the Front Line complicate matters
The medic renders aid to them, before long he's called over to help the sniper team
Taliban snipers are cornered by WMIK, which jumps ahead of the main body to prevent their withdrawal
The WMIK stays behind poppy fields, hoping that the cover will protect it
The drivers (well, some of them at least) spring into action
A driver getting onboard
The DShK team setting up a hot reception
The senior Taliban leader leaves his advanced position
Taliban set up firing position on the tomb
Technical's MG cuts out
Moving through the ravine - this Taliban team intends to cut off the advancing British at Ishaghar
Setting up on overwatch inside the village
Civilians in the line of fire - maybe the heavy machine gun next door is going to sour the goats' milk!
Fireteam feels confident that it's bringing enough firepower to the party
Warrior tries to get Technical, but the 4x4 speeds away just as it opens up
Leader gets back to Sittangbad to pick up a lift out of the town
WMIK driving around the poppy fields - it's hoping to slow down the withdrawal - its engine has been damaged in an exchange with the .50cal
Second batch of trucks gets ready to move out
Holed up in the town - the British snipers attempt to suppress these Taliban to cover the advance - but they come off second best
IED triggered, but somehow the WMIK is unscathed - it drives back the way it came, who knows how many IEDs are nearby?
IED goes off in the house a fireteam have chosen to set up in too - again they luck out and none are injured
GPMG team humping along behind Warrior (why did we get out of that again Herby?)
Fireteam moves around village, trusting the fireteam inside the village to cover its flank as it passes the ravines
The Mastiff roars into action, a fireteam is inside, due for a bumpy ride right into Sittangbad!
Demolitions team sets up with a view on the bridge, but very well hidden from other directions
Sticking to cover as it advances
MOnty, the Warrior commander licks his lips - his shot completely obliterates the truck
Traffic jam not helped by exploding truck, which must've been carrying ammunition
The first Taliban truck makes it across the Sittang
The Taliban's senior leader takes this opportunity to trash-talk - he's nearly safe and across the bridge
The fireteam inside Ishaghar takes more fire from the ravine
The action inside Sittangbad heats up
An RPG team shows up just beside the WMIK and Sniper team
Warrior's advance stopped by IED near bridge - it was intending to drive right up to the bridge, shooting at the 4x4 and the demolitions team
Technical knocked out by the Warrior - the leader, a bodyguard and the driver all bail out and run for the other side of the bridge
Mastiff trains MG on Taliban leader - wiping out the small group as it crosses the bridge
The bridge is blown after the leader is gunned down
The goat herder leaves the killing zone unharmed
You'll never guess what happened to my truck!
Fireteam disembarks from Mastiff, and starts taking control of Sittangbad
GPMG team runs across open ground - even though the battle may seem over, there are still plenty of Taliban on this side of the river
Lurking RPG team takes a shot at the WMIK
Sniper team takes punishment - again the snipers are beaten to the punch and take a casualty (and their return fire is entirely ineffective)
A groggy Taliban leader is taken prisoner outside the tomb
The aftermath - Sittangbad has survived the maelstrom
The British win this one 20-13, miraculously there were no serious casualties on their side. At the end the escape of the senior Taliban leader would've made it a marginal victory for the Taliban so pretty close all things considered.
Wonderful models, great terrain and a good read as always! Keep posting!
ReplyDeleteFinally taking the plunge. I'm gathering up the pieces to put together a small force of Lybian freedom fighters with technicals. Look forward to deploying them soon as the paint dries.
ReplyDeleteGreat looking game - looks heaps of fun.
I agree with Jonathan !! Just fantastic
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