In the evening a few of them (led by Cockburn) make their way there to investigate
Their camp with sentries on duty - Peters stands with Kofi and Kwesi at the fire, as the porters bring in the last of the supplies
A swarm of Raptors come out of nowhere charging the men - Sampson has gone off to the left to take a look at something
The noise he heard was a gigantic Allosaurus stomping through the American Mission
Winters and Cockburn blaze away with their guns at the Raptors, but both men go down. Nkunda, their local guide throws his spear at a Raptor in desperation - it hits the Raptor in the eye, sending it scampering backwards (along with his spear)
Kofi points at the Raptors and the sentries open fire
The Raptors move away from the seriously wounded men and towards the campsite - picking on Chandler and Peters. Nkunda is running back to the camp to pick up a machete and the boy Hal runs to Chandler's aid with his shotgun
The Allosaurus looks in over the ridgeline
A firing line is formed by the men, with Chandler at the rear waving his pisto around - the Allosaurus has jumped the ridge with amazing agility
The concerted fire from the men is too much for the Raptors and they skulk off into the undergrowth. With time on their hands the men concentrate on the Allosaurus (Nkunda's machete doing serious damage to its leg)
As thing calm down, Nkunda is overwhelmed by the Raptors
They move on, and the porters are easy picking for them
Carnage in the camp - even Kofi has gone down (though he may just be concussed)
Well Oscar, this is a fine mess you've gotten me into!
The Last Stand - somehow Peters and Chandler manage to destroy two of the Raptors before they fall to their terrible claws
As the Allosaurus leaves the campsite, weakend from Sampson's unyielding fire, a last gasp shot from his rifle strikes true and the Allosaur is killed
From their high perches Sampson and Kofi survey the campsite - only they remain
A terrible day for the adventurers, though some of them are only seriously wounded, without the porters they have little chance of surviving - even the Mission will give them little succour without anyone to help them
That is a gorgeous looking game Donogh!